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rctapi: Query and download from

Working status ✓ (18-01-2024).

Install with devtools::install_github("AdlCruz/rctapi")

Using this tool is as easy as 1, 2, 3 … 4 … 1a.

1. Build a search expression

Both "embolism" and "heart attack AND NOT stroke AND AREA[StudyType](Interventional OR Observational) AND TILT[OfficialTitle]stress"

are valid search expressions, just follow the rules.

2. Choose which fields you want

View all_fields and create your own list. E.gc("NCTId","Acronym"), or view field_lists_df for pre-made lists.for_explorer is good to start with.

3. Choose how many studies you want to return

Reliably retrieve up to 1000 studies with the max_studies argument.

4. Download study data

Putting it all together

stress_heart <- get_study_fields(search_expr = "heart attack AND NOT stroke AND AREA[StudyType](Interventional OR Observational)AND TILT[OfficialTitle]stress", fields = for_explorer, max_studies = 500)

stress_heart is a dataframe with rows of studies and columns of fields.

1a. Return an unparsed response to check your search_expression

Toggling the argument response_content = TRUE will return the entire API response.

Among the contents is the number of studies that were found to match your search expression.

Access it with stress_heart$StudyFieldsResponse$NStudiesFound

NOTE: 1a will not work unless a pre-made list is filling fields

Field definitions

NOTE: This package includes very little internal error handling.